Private guitar lessons with Damien Roy

Guitarist with 25+ years of experience


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beginner, intermediate, advanced


Acoustic, Blues, Electric, Metal, Rock, Technique, Theory

What you can learn

I can help beginners, intermediate and advanced students in Blues, Folk, Rock, Shred, and Theory. Tell me what chord you want to use and I will tell you what scale(s) and arpeggios you can play! Do you want understand chord inversions, Triads and how to use them? I can help! How to play and use double stops? I can help! Why can I play this scale over some chords? I know the answer(s)! I have tons of guitar riffs and licks to use! I am happy to help!

Damien's highlights

What's included

Video chat lessons

Learn with a pro from the convenience of home.

Lesson replays

Go back and practice with recordings.

Private chat

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Free cancellation

Get a full refund if you cancel at least 24 hours before your lesson.

5.0 (1 review)

Hector g.

March 2025·

Guitar lessons on Til

Close to Home, Far from Ordinary

Private lessons on Til are personalized learning journeys led by the best guitarists in the world.

The world's best guitarists are in your corner.

Your teacher personalizes class to keep you on track, answers your questions, and motivates you to keep going.

A good time, anytime.

Go back and watch lesson recordings for extra practice. Have a question? There's a chat for that.

The biggest bang, boogie, and blast for your buck.

It's like having a world-class teacher in your living room. At a fraction of the cost.

Questions? Answers.