Mastering the CAGED System
Group guitar class taught by Tommy Gerlach
8 lessons · 1 hour per week · beginner
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$30 / lesson
I often tell my students, the more you learn on the guitar, the more fun the guitar is to play. As a guitarist, being able to pick up the instrument and play freely, anywhere on the neck, is one of the most joyous things in my life. In this course, I want to teach you how to do just that. Make the guitar more fun and help it bring joy to your life. We will dive into understanding the CAGED system, and along the way, dive into basic theory. The goal is to train you to think like a pro by establishing basic theory concepts like, where do scales come from? How do I know what notes are in what chord? How do I target notes in a solo? How do I solo or compose in any key? How do I know what key a song is in? How can I learn a song or lick by ear? Answering all of these questions will allow you to flow freely around the instrument and sound more like an experienced pro.
What's included
4.60 · 13 students · 9 lessons
Week 1
Week 1
During week 1 we will dive into understanding what the heck the CAGED system really is. BUT first, we will reference how to build a Major Scale and simple triads because after all, the Major Scale is basically just a tape measure.
Week 2
Week 2
During week 2 we will dive into the E pattern and learn how to connect the G and E shape fluently with ease.
Week 3
Week 3
During week 3 we will dive into the D pattern and learn how to connect the G, E, and D shapes. We will also begin composing our own licks and moving these shapes through all 12 keys.
Week 4
Week 4
During week 4 we will dive into the C pattern and learn how to connect the G, E, and D shapes. We will continue to connect these 4 patterns together allowing us to move up and down the fretboard with ease.
Would be great to get the day's PDF ahead of time so we can get a head start on learning the shapes etc and be able to ask better questions Also, I'd love a combined diagram of the pentatonic/scale/arpeggios we're working on (ie, G-shape and E-shape) so we can visualise the fretboard as we're going up and down Great job today!
Tommy G.
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