How to play

How to play the Ebdim7 chord on guitar

Unlock the secrets of iconic songs like "Stairway to Heaven" with this unique chord.

The Ebdim7 chord

The Ebdim7 chord, pronounced E flat diminished seventh, is a unique and haunting chord that adds a sense of tension and intrigue to music. Comprised of Eb, Gb, A, and C notes, this chord is often used in jazz, classical, and film scores to create an unsettling atmosphere. Its dissonant sound makes it perfect for transitioning between musical phrases or building suspense.

There are many ways to play a chord. Here's a diagram for the most common Ebdim7 chord. We've also included other versions below.

Ebdim7 guitar chord diagram

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Finger placement for Ebdim7 chord

The Ebdim7 chord is typically played as a barre chord on the 11th fret of the guitar.

Follow these finger positions to play a Ebdim7 chord on your guitar:

  1. Barre your index finger across all six strings on the 11th fret.
  2. Place your middle finger on the 12th fret of the 3rd (G) string.
  3. Place your ring finger on the 12th fret of the 5th (A) string.
  4. Place your pinky finger on the 12th fret of the 4th (D) string.

To strum this chord, start with a downward motion, striking all six strings. Then, strum up and down as needed for the rhythm of the song.

Ebdim7 guitar chord with finger positions

How to play an easy Ebdim7 chord on guitar

If you're a beginner looking to play a simpler version of the Ebdim7 chord, try playing the open sixth string (low E) along with an Ebdim triad on the fourth, third, and first frets of the fifth, fourth, and third strings, respectively. This compact voicing is easier to play and still captures the essential sound of the Ebdim7 chord.

How to play a Ebdim7 bar chord

The Ebdim7 chord is typically played as four separate notes rather than as a barre chord, so I don't feel confident providing instructions for a popular barre chord version targeting beginners.

Common Ebdim7 chord progressions

The Ebdim7 chord is often used as a passing chord to add tension and a sense of movement to chord progressions, creating a mysterious and unsettled emotional feel. Some common chord progressions featuring the Ebdim7 chord include:

  • I - Ebdim7 - I6 (C - Ebdim7 - C6)
  • I - IV - Ebdim7 - I (C - F - Ebdim7 - C)
  • I - vi - Ebdim7 - V7 (C - Am - Ebdim7 - G7)
  • ii - V7 - Ebdim7 - I (Dm - G7 - Ebdim7 - C)
  • vi - Ebdim7 - ii - V7 (Am - Ebdim7 - Dm - G7) Used in "I'll Remember April" and "Prelude to a Kiss"

Drills to master the Ebdim7 chord

To master the Ebdim7 guitar chord, try playing the chord progression Ebdim7 - Db - Bbm - Ab repeatedly. This will help your fingers adapt to the chord shape and transitions. Focus on maintaining a consistent rhythm and clean fretting.

Another effective drill is to arpeggiate the Ebdim7 chord, playing each note separately in ascending and descending order. This exercise will improve your finger dexterity and help you memorize the individual notes within the chord. Practice slowly at first, gradually increasing your speed as you become more comfortable with the chord.

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Songs that feature the Ebdim7 chord

Here are 4 popular songs you can play with the Ebdim7 chord.

  1. Misty by Erroll Garner (Eb6, Ebdim7, Fm7, Bb7, Eb6, C7, Fm7, Bb7)
  2. Laura by David Raksin (C, Am7, Dm7, G7, C, Ebdim7, Dm7, G7)
  3. I'll Remember April by Gene de Paul (Am, E7, Am, Am(maj7), F#m7, B7, E, C7, F, Ebdim7, E7, Am, Dm, E7)
  4. Tea for Two by Vincent Youmans (Ab, Ddim7, Eb, Eb7, Ab, F7, Bb7, Eb, C7, Fm7, Ebdim7, Ab, Eb7)

How a guitar teacher can help

If you feel stuck in your playing, it might help to take personalized guitar lessons with an expert guitarist. Taking lessons with a pro gives you access to the skills, feedback, and motivation to reach your goals.

You can find expert guitar teachers to support you in the journey. Thousands of people have turned to online guitar lessons on Til, instead of traditional in-person lessons, because Til gives you access to the best teachers in the world from the comfort of home. And with flexible scheduling, secure payments, lesson recordings, and a private chat with your teacher–there’s never been a better way to learn guitar.