How to play

How to play the Csus2 chord on guitar

Unlock the secrets of this essential chord, used in hits like "Hey Jude" and "Wonderwall."

The Csus2 chord

The Csus2 chord, pronounced C suspended second, is a variation of the C major chord where the second note (D) replaces the third (E). This substitution creates an open, airy sound that adds tension and ambiguity to progressions. Commonly used in folk, rock, and country music, the Csus2 chord can be heard in songs like "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas and "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac.

There are many ways to play a chord. Here's a diagram for the most common Csus2 chord. We've also included other versions below.

Csus2 guitar chord diagram

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Finger placement for Csus2 chord

The Csus2 chord is typically played as a barre chord on the 8th fret of the guitar.

Follow these finger positions to play a Csus2 chord on your guitar:

  1. Place your index finger across the 8th fret, covering all six strings (barre).
  2. Place your middle finger on the 10th fret of the 4th (D) string.
  3. Place your ring finger on the 10th fret of the 3rd (G) string.
  4. Place your pinky finger on the 10th fret of the 2nd (B) string.

Strum all six strings together to play the Csus2 chord. Make sure to apply enough pressure with your index finger to properly fret all the strings in the barre.

Csus2 guitar chord with finger positions

How to play an easy Csus2 chord on guitar

If you're a beginner looking to play a simpler version of the Csus2 chord, try this:

  1. Place your index finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd (B) string.
  2. Place your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th (D) string.
  3. Leave the other strings open.
  4. Strum only the top four strings.

How to play a Csus2 bar chord

Playing the Csus2 chord as a barre chord can be useful when you need a fuller, more resonant sound or want to easily transition between chords up and down the neck.

Here's how to play a Csus2 barre chord:

  1. Place your index finger across all six strings at the 8th fret, forming a barre.
  2. Place your ring finger on the 10th fret of the 5th (A) string.
  3. Place your pinky finger on the 10th fret of the 4th (D) string.
  4. Strum all six strings from the 5th (A) string down.

Common Csus2 chord progressions

The Csus2 chord adds a dreamy, ethereal quality to progressions, creating a sense of floating and suspended emotion. Common Csus2 chord progressions include:

  • I-Isus2-IV-V (C-Csus2-F-G) - Used in "More Than Words" by Extreme
  • vi-IV-Isus2-V (Am-F-Csus2-G)
  • I-vi-Isus2-V (C-Am-Csus2-G)
  • Isus2-iii-vi-V (Csus2-Em-Am-G)
  • I-V-vi-Isus2 (C-G-Am-Csus2) - Used in "Wonderwall" by Oasis

Drills to master the Csus2 chord

To master the Csus2 chord, try strumming the chord repeatedly while switching between Csus2 and other familiar chords like C, Am, and F. This will help your fingers develop muscle memory for the Csus2 shape.

Another effective drill is to arpeggiate the Csus2 chord, playing each note individually in ascending and descending order (C, D, G, D, C). This exercise will improve your dexterity and help you memorize the notes of the chord.

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Songs that feature the Csus2 chord

Here are 10 popular songs you can play with the Csus2 chord:

  1. Hey Jude by The Beatles (F, C, Csus2, Bb, F)
  2. Ventura Highway by America (Asus2, Bm7, Csus2, Dmaj7)
  3. Wonderwall by Oasis (Em7, G, Dsus4, Csus2, Asus2)
  4. Free Fallin' by Tom Petty (F, Csus2, Am)
  5. Hotel California by Eagles (Bm, F#, A, E, G, D, Em, F#7sus2)
  6. Walk of Life by Dire Straits (D, G, Csus2, Asus2)
  7. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd (G, D, Am7, Csus2)
  8. More Than Words by Extreme (G, Csus2, Am, Dsus2)
  9. Blackbird by The Beatles (G, A7sus4, Csus2, Dsus4)
  10. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin (Am, G, Csus2, D, Fmaj7)

How a guitar teacher can help

If you feel stuck in your playing, it might help to take personalized guitar lessons with an expert guitarist. Taking lessons with a pro gives you access to the skills, feedback, and motivation to reach your goals.

You can find expert guitar teachers to support you in the journey. Thousands of people have turned to online guitar lessons on Til, instead of traditional in-person lessons, because Til gives you access to the best teachers in the world from the comfort of home. And with flexible scheduling, secure payments, lesson recordings, and a private chat with your teacher–there’s never been a better way to learn guitar.